This worked the first time, but on rotation and resume only one of the fragments was visible. The approach suggested here threw an exception since the activity’s onSaveInstanceState() had already been called. Committing the transaction using commitAllowingStateLoss() avoided the exception but did not solve the original problem. Following is the example of creating a two fragments, two buttons and showing the respective fragment when click on button in android application. The usage of Fragment in an android app totally depends on the screen size of the device on which the app is being used. If the screen size is big, then we can easily show 2 or maybe more fragments on the screen, but if the display size is smaller, it is advised to use Fragments in separate activities.
OnDetach()It is called just before the fragment is detached from the host activity.In our next tutorial, we will learn how to implement Fragments in android. Here, We are going to learn how to create a new Fragment in Android Studio. A Fragment is a piece of an activity that enables a pluralsight web-dev-starter more modular activity design. Android devices have a variety of screen sizes and densities. It simplifies the reuse of components in different layouts and their logic. We can also use fragments also to support different layouts for landscape and portrait orientation on a smartphone.
This is called when the fragment becomes active or interactive. Method NameDescription onAttachIt is called once, when the fragment is attached to the activity. OnCreateThe system calls this method when a fragment https://cryptominer.services/ is created. This is an important method and you should implement the essential components of the fragment in this method. OnCreateView()This method is called when the UI of the fragment has to be initialised.
It is called when the fragment is first created and then when the fragment returns back to the layout from the back stack. This method usually returns a View component but if the fragment doesn’t have a UI, then you can return a null. OnActivityCreated()This method is called when the host activity is created. By this time, we can even access the fragment’s view using the findViewById() method. OnStart()This method is called when the fragment becomes visible on the device’s screen. OnResume() onPause()This is called when a fragemnt is no longer interactive and the user is about to leave the fragment.
Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main.xml. I spent three hours debugging this because the inner fragment would render fine the first time, but would disappear after a screen orientation change. Switching to getChildFragmentManager() and removing setRetainInstance from the inner fragment fixed it. We are not going to make any modifications for our main activity file (MainActivity.java) and manifest file (AndroidMainfest.xml).
For each of the fragment’s layouts, it contains one EditText to get the data to send for fragment 2 and one button, when clicked it shares the data to another fragment. Hopefully you grasp the basics and this post has given you enough of an understanding that you can go ahead and figure out the rest. More importantly, I hope it has shown you some of the possible uses of fragments and the potential they offer for smarter app design. You can do this by adding the fragment to the activity, just as you would do any other view.
So, Fragment is a very interesting component of Android OS which can be used in multiple ways in an android app. An Activity can have any number of fragments in it, although it is suggested to not to use too many fragments in a single activity. To implement the layout for Fragment 2, invoke the following code inside the fragment_2.xml file. If there are two or more fragments in an activity, they need to communicate and share the data between them.
At this point, it is suggested to save any data for the existing user session, if required. OnStop()This method is called when the fragment is no longer visible. OnDestroyView()This is called when the fragment is to be be destroyed. Here you can do the clean up the resources before the fragment is destroyed. OnDestroy()This is called for the final clean up of fragment’s state.
Fragment in Android refers to a single screen with a user interface. You can add FrameLayout to the fragment and replace it with another fragment when it initializes. The Fragment lifecycle begins when it is attached to an activity. Below we have shown the complete lifecycle of fragment in form of a flow chart. For creating Fragments your class needs to extend the Fragment class.
To define a new fragment we either extend the android.app.Fragment class or one of its subclasses. The below image shows how two UI modules defined by fragments can be combined into one activity for a tablet design but separated for a handset design. Finally, you may find yourself wanting to change the look of your fragments depending on where they are located. The good news is that you can do this easily by passing an ID as a bundle when you create the fragment and then extracting that value at the other end. In this step we show the Android Manifest file in which do nothing because we need only one Activitty i.e MainActivity which is already defined in it. In our project we create two Fragment’s but we don’t need to define the Fragment’s in manifest because Fragment is a part of an Activity.
The base class for all activities using compatibility based Fragment features. Before the introduction of Fragment’s we can only show a single Activity on the screen at one given point of time so Agile Software Development Lifecycle Phases Explained we were not able to divide the screen and control different parts separately. With the help of Fragment’s we can divide the screens in different parts and controls different parts separately.
We always need to embed Fragment in an activity and the fragment lifecycle is directly affected by the host activity’s lifecycle. Create a new android application using android studio and give names as Fragments. In case if you are not aware of creating an app in android studio check this article Android Hello World App. It’s an optional to use fragments into activity but by doing this it will improve the flexibility of our app UI and make it easier to adjust our app design based on the device size. Fragments are used when the user wants to see two different views of two different classes on the same screen. So if you are developing an application only for Android 3.0 or higher then Android provides you access to the Fragments class.
The traditional way of sharing the data between the two fragments is implementing the callback using an interface that is cumbersome and may throw exceptions. So in this article, it’s been demonstrated how the shared ViewModel can be used to communicate between the fragments. Have a look at the following image to get an overview of the discussion.
The Fragment class has methods, just the same as that of an Activity, like onStart(), onPause, onResume() and onCreate(). Usually you should use onCreateVIew(), onCreate() and onStop() methods in your class. To implement the same in both fragments invoke the, following code inside Fragment1.kt. In the SharedViewModel.kt file there are there is one MutableLiveData of CharSequence for setting the data for EditTexts. Two functions setData and getData for updating that mutable live data as soon as the data inside the EditTexts changes. Create an empty activity Android Studio project, and select Kotlin as the programming language.
It will not be wrong if we say a fragment is a kind of sub-activity. It represents a behaviour or a portion of user interface in an Activity. We can combine multiple Fragments in Single Activity to build a multi panel UI and reuse a Fragment in multiple Activities.
Therefore it is also suggested to keep the design of a Fragment modular and independent, so that it can be used on different screens/activity based on the screen size or any other factor. Also, a fragment is a re-usable component, hence, a single fragment can be included in multiple activities, if required. Android fragments have their own life cycle very similar to an android activity. Make sure to import the necessary classes – you’ll be prompted whenever you try to use fragments in your code. Each fragment has its own life cycle methods that is affected by activity life cycle because fragments are embedded in activity.
You can also access the FragmentManager by calling the getFragmnetManager() method in your Activities. In this step we open MainActivity and add the code for initiate the Button’s. After that we perform setOnClickListener event on both Button’s. On the click of First Button we replace the First Fragment and on click of Second Button we replace the Second Fragment with the layout. We can add, replace or remove Fragment’s in an Activity while the activity is running.
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